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  • Vorbrecher Diesel / Elektro Typ 450/650/750/850/950

    2019.3.11  Der HAMMEL-Vorbrecher ist vielseitig in der Zerkleinerung von Materialien wie Altholz, Wurzelstöcken, Grünschnitt, Sperr-, Gewerbe- und Hausmüll sowie in der

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  • HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH 所有产品目录和PDF技术手册

    自动分选设备. HAMMEL二轴破碎机. 循环回收设备. HAMMEL金属撕碎机. 纸质轧碎机. 含铁金属分离器. 移动式筛机. 工业筛机. 在HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH企业的产品目录和技术手册

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    Consult HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH's HAMMEL VB 450 D / DK brochure on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/2

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  • Primary Shredder Diesel / Electric - HAMMEL

    2019.3.11  The HAMMEL-primary shredder is versatile in the shredding of materials, such as waste wood, root stems, green waste, bulky, commercial and domestic waste as well as in

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  • Primary shredder - VB 450 series - HAMMEL

    Find out all of the information about the HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH product: primary shredder VB 450 series. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.

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  • HAMMEL primary shredder brochure - HAMMEL

    Primary Shredder Diesel/Electric. “We prove power“ – HAMMEL-primary shredder The HAMMEL-primary shredder is versatile in the shredding of materials, such as waste wood, root stems, green waste, bulky, commercial and domestic waste

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    HAMMEL VB 450. Applications. Description. Wood. waste wood, demolition wood, root stems, green waste, pallets, cable drums. Waste. domestic waste, CI waste. Functional principle. hydraulically operating recycling machine with two

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  • HAMMEL VB 450 Primary Shredder

    The HAMMEL-primary shredder VB 450 is ideal for shredding manageable amounts of material and offers all the benefits of the 'big' HAMMEL-primary shredder....

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  • HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH - Trituratori primari

    4 天之前  HAMMEL Trituratori Primari 450: Settore d`impiego: Legno: legno vecchio, Legno di demolizione , radici, legno verde, Bancali, Bobina di cavi ... Rifiuti domestici, Rifiuti industriali e commerciali: Dati tecnici* VB 450 D: VB 450 DK: VB 450 E : Versione: Sollevatore a gancio: Catena: Elettrico: Motore: Cummins F3.8 - Stage 5: Cummins F3.8 ...

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    HAMMEL VB 450 HAMMEL VB 650 HAMMEL VB 750 HAMMEL VB 850 Θρυμματιστές υψηλής ταχύτητας Shark EP 5500 MS 3000 Minishark Biomaster UZ 80 Σπαστήρες Αδρανών Υλικών Omega J1065 Jaw Crusher Omega J1275 Jaw Crusher Omega J1065M ...

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    klein – kompakt – perfekt small – compact – perfect HAMMEL VB 450 D / DK Material / material / waste wood / mixed wood / cable drums / root stems* / green waste leichter Hausmüll / slight domestic waste leichter Industriemüll / slight

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  • Rozdrabniacz wst ępny diesel/elektryczny Typ

    2019.3.11  zom wstępnym HAMMEL VB 950 DK „RED GIANT“ und VB 1500 DK możliwe jest efektywne rozdrabnianie złomu o dużym wolumenie oraz karoserii samochodowych. Do rozdrabniania metalu zostały zoptymalizowane i dostosowane dotychczasowe wały.

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  • Primary shredder - VB 450 series - HAMMEL

    Find out all of the information about the HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH product: primary shredder VB 450 series. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.

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  • HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH - VB 450 DK #175

    2024.10.31  VB 450 DK #175 Built: January 2022 Hours: approx. 650 h. Engine: diesel engine Cummins F3.8 - Stage 5: Power: approx. 114 kW / 154 PS ... reconditioned according to the HAMMEL - Standard: Version: track system with track protection pads hopper with vibro chute permanent - overband magnet remote control: Weight: approx. 11 t: Information subject ...

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  • Hammel Shredders - Process Equipment

    4 天之前  All Hammel mobile shredders are capable of handling various shredding tasks with the larger units (VB 850 and up) being able to handle full vehicles with ease. The Hammel primary shredder line includes tracked and wheeled shredders from the VB 450 all the way up to the VB 1500, the world's largest and most powerful mobile shredder.

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    HAMMEL VB 450 HAMMEL VB 650 HAMMEL VB 750 HAMMEL VB 850 Θρυμματιστές υψηλής ταχύτητας Shark EP 5500 MS 3000 Minishark Biomaster UZ 80 Σπαστήρες Αδρανών Υλικών Omega J1065 Jaw Crusher Omega J1275 Jaw Crusher Omega J1065M ...

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  • Hammel VB 450 - Stoevelaar Machinery - shred, chip, screen

    4 天之前  Interested in the Hammel VB 450? Interested? Call us on +31 529 408170 or fill in the contactform! Firstname * Lastname * Residence * Country * E-mailaddress * Phone number. Your message * Contact Stoevelaar Recycling. Wolfveldseweg 1a 7737 PK Stegeren T: +31 (0)529 - 408170 E: info@stoevelaar-machinery. Our products.

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  • HAMMEL VB 450 D / DK - HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH

    klein – kompakt – perfekt small – compact – perfect HAMMEL VB 450 D / DK Material / material / waste wood / mixed wood / cable drums / root stems* / green waste leichter Hausmüll / slight domestic waste leichter Industriemüll / slight industrial waste / construction demolition wood Technische Daten / technical specifications Motorleistung / engine performance 450 D * ca.

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    2019.3.11  hammel Pré-broyeur HAMMEL type VB 950 DK RED GIANT Entraînement ... • carter d'huile pour l'entretien facile à démonter, donc une meilleure accessibilité au moteur diesel ... VB 950 DK NEU FRZ Author:

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  • HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH - Vorbrecher

    2024.8.31  HAMMEL Vorbrecher; VB 450 VB 650 VB 750 VB 850 VB 950 VB 1500 ... Hausmüll, Industrie- Gewerbemüll: Technische Daten* VB 450 D: VB 450 DK: VB 450 E : Version: Hakenlift: Kette: Elektrisch: Motor: Cummins F3.8 - Stage 5: Cummins F3.8 - Stage 5-Antrieb: 145 PS: 145 PS: 110 kW: Gewicht: 8 t Maschine + 1 t Magnet: 9 t Maschine + 1 t

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  • VB 450 ( 3 versions ) (Pré-broyeur - Broyeur)

    Retrouvez toutes l'informations et demandez un devis sur le produit VB 450 ( 3 versions ) (Pré-broyeur - Broyeur) de la marque HAMMEL®. Vous pouvez donner votre avis, obtenir un tarif ou accèder à la documentation.

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  • Hammel VB 650, VB 750, VB 850, VB 950 Zweiwellenzerkleinerer von Hammel ...

    2024.8.22  Jetzt bei Gebrauchtmaschinen ⚙️ als Kleinanzeige online: Hammel Hammel VB 650, VB 750, VB 850, VB 950 - Zweiwellenzerkleinerer gebraucht bei Gebrauchtmaschinen kaufen und profitieren 📈 ... 9.800 h, Mobiler Shredder Typ VB 450 DK Baujahr 2010, ca. 9800 Stunden Bslq7Utbave Sehr guter Zustand. EINSATZBEREIT . Preisinfo Preisinfo Bereits ...

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  • HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH - Prébroyeurs

    5 天之前  HAMMEL Prébroyeurs 450: Domaine d’application: Bois: Vieux bois, Bois de construction et de démolition, Racines et souches, Branchage, Palettes, Tambours de câbles: ... VB 450 DK(Les valeurs en mm) *valeurs approximatives; sous réserve de modifications [rev_slider alias="carousel-vb650"] HAMMEL Prébroyeurs 650:

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  • Destrozador primario - VB 450 series - HAMMEL

    Encuentre toda la información del producto: destrozador primario VB 450 series de la empresa HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH. Póngase en contacto con un proveedor o con la empresa matriz directamente para conocer los precios, obtener un presupuesto y descubrir los puntos de venta más cercanos.

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  • Gebruikte Hammel vb450 shredders te koop - mascus

    Hammel VB 450 DK DUO Radio Remote Fire damage! Gebr Heinhuis. Shredders • 2015 • 3000h • Almelo, NL • Gebr Heinhuis. 51.000 EUR. Favoriet. Gebr Heinhuis. 4. Hammel VB 450 DK. HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH. Shredders • 2024 • Bad Salzungen, Thüringen, DE • HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH.

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  • Shredders Premium merken Stoevelaar Machinery

    5 天之前  Hammel VB 450. Hammel VB 750. Hammel VB 750 LV – Long Version. Hammel VB 850. Hammel VB 950. Hammel VB 1500. Neuenhauser shredders. Van individuele machinebouw tot mobiele zeef- en verkleiningstechniek, Neuenhauser biedt een breed productprogramma op het gebied van professionele recycling van materialen. Één van die machines is de TARGO ...

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