The viability of using the Witwatersrand gold mine tailings
This work therefore examines the use of gold mine tailings in the production of bricks. Different mixing ratios of gold tailings, cement, and water were used. The resulting bricks were then
consulter en ligne(PDF) The viability of using the Witwatersrand
2015.4.1 In South Africa, Malatse and Ndlovu [5] explored the viability of using gold tailings from old mines in Johannesburg, for brick making. The tailings used in the study had particle sizes of...
consulter en ligneCurrent situation and prospects for the clean utilization of gold ...
2024.5.15 Teimouri et al. (2020) studied Au tailings obtained from an ERGO plant in South Africa using XRD. The experimental results showed that the main mineral components of the
consulter en ligneRe-Processing Gold Tailings in South Africa
2024.6.19 historic gold tailings dams in the Witwatersrand area of South Africa is being investigated. The objective is to recover uranium and residual gold from the tailings, as well as
consulter en ligneExploring An Alternative Approach To Mine Waste
2018.9.5 In addition, the inter-views with experts and industry representa-tives indicated that the use of gold tailings for the production of bricks has been both inves-tigated and
consulter en ligneFabrication of Baking-Free Bricks Using Gold Tailings and
2022.6.27 open access. The purpose of this paper was using gold mine tailings and cemented materials with low alkalinity to fabricate baking-free bricks. The obtained baking-free
consulter en ligneGold tailings reclamation in South Africa - ASRS
2022.10.24 GOLD TAILINGS RECLAMATION IN SOUTH AFRICA l by JJP van Wyk2 Abstract. This paper deals with the history of rehabilitation (reclamation) on gold mine wastes
The use of gold mine tailings in the production of building blocks / bricks, is examined in this study. The tailings used in the study were characterized by having an optimum moisture
consulter en lignePhysicochemical and mineralogical characterization of
2018.1.1 This paper presents the initial evaluation of the copper and gold mine tailings in Limpopo, South Africa with a view to assessing the suitability of conversion into beneficial
consulter en ligne(PDF) The composition and state of gold tailings
2006.3.13 The safe design, construction, operation and reclamation of tailings impoundment structures require an understanding of the nature and behaviour of tailings as a construction material.
consulter en ligneDistribution patterns of contaminants in the Mogale Gold tailing
2016.10.18 This study evaluates the geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of weathering layers associated with the Mogale tailing dam in the Randfontein Cluster—Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa. In the tailing dam, it is observed that high hematite/Fe2O3 contents separate the ferruginous from the rest layers. Also, the oxidised
consulter en ligneFeasibility of tailings retreatment to unlock value
2021.7.1 In this study, a South African mine tailing sample was characterized for base metals using X-Ray fluorescence, alkaline fusion, and acid digestion to subsequently evaluate the uncertainties involved.
consulter en ligne(PDF) Stabilization of gold mine tailings: The effect of
2019.10.29 Gold production in Fairview Mine in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, is focused on high-grade, steeply plunging ore shoots contained within a gently undulating system of spaced, low ...
consulter en ligne(PDF) In Situ Determination of Radioactivity Levels and
2022.10.14 The gold mining in the goldfields of the Witwatersrand Basin of South Africa has resulted in numerous tailing dams that have high concentrations of NORM bearing residue.
consulter en ligneSouth Africa Gold Production, 1990 – 2024 CEIC Data
2018.6.1 South Africa Gold Production data is updated yearly, averaging 262,363.000 kg from Dec 1990 to 2023, with 34 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 619,201.000 kg in 1993 and a record low of 88,883.000 kg in 2022. South Africa Gold Production data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by U.S. Geological Survey.
consulter en ligne(PDF) Gold Mine Tailings: A Potential Source of Silica
2020.5.16 Mining of minerals such as gold, copper, and platinum has been one of several activities sustaining the economy of South Africa. However, the mining sector has contributed significantly to ...
consulter en ligneReprocessing of Gold from Tailings Dams: a Strategy for
A slight increase in gold values was, however, observed with depth. Reprocessing of gold is therefore recommended, during which, the tailings could be used for the manufacture of bricks and tiles or be relocated to a more suitable site. Keywords: Tailings dams, heavy metals, gold reprocessing, tailings dams rehabilitation 44.
consulter en ligne(PDF) Traditional Brick Making, Environmental and Socio
2021.9.25 The brick making industry, despite its contribution to environmental pollution, plays a major role in the economic growth of South Africa, with the traditional technology accounting for a ...
consulter en ligneRecycling of mine tailings for the geopolymers production: A
2022.6.1 Among the characteristics of the mining sector are a substantial consumption of energy resources and materials, a minimal rate of mining of technically and commercially useful metals (between 1% and 4%), and a major impact on the ecological [109].Some reports state that around 19–25 billion tons of solid MW are generated yearly across the globe, with 5–8 billion
consulter en ligneRecycling and Reuse of Mine Tailings: A Review
2022.8.12 Adding to this, the legacy of environmental damage from abandoned mines is worrying; in Canada there are around 10,000 abandoned mines, 50,000 in Australia, 6,000 in South Africa, and 9,500 coal ...
consulter en ligneGeochemical fractionation of metals and metalloids in
2023.8.28 Local geology of Messina Copper Mine Musina area is characterized by medium–high grade metamorphic rocks of which the Sand River Gneiss is the oldest (3.7 Ma) and forms the basement to a
consulter en ligneMapping of radioactivity levels in and around the gold mine tailing ...
Naturally occurring radionuclides arises mainly from natural sources and anthropogenic activities such as mining. In South Africa, gold mining in the goldfields of the Witwatersrand Basin has resulted in numerous tailing dams that have high concentrations of NORM bearing residue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the surface radioactivity levels in and around the gold tailing
consulter en ligneHeavy metal concentration in soil in the tailing dam vicinity
2016.3.17 Soil contamination with heavy metals is a serious concern to food production and human health. The present study was conducted to evaluate the impact of tailings from an old mining site on heavy metal contamination of soil. Using a GPS to map out different sites around the tailing dam, soil samples were taken from under grassland at the different sites, at depths
consulter en lignegold tailing in the manufacture of bricks south africa
The South African sector is the driving force behind the history and development of Africa and ranks eighth in the world for the production of Gold with 139.9 tonnes of gold produced in 2017 (Writer, 2018).
consulter en ligneInvestigation of the effect of microorganisms and their
Mining activities and smelting of minerals and ores have enhanced the potential of heavy metals in the tailing dumps or solid wastes to mobilize highly after deposition in the environment. In nature, microorganisms are documented to mobilize metals from minerals, degrade rocks and also oxidize and reduce metals. Asequential extraction method, according to the Tessier
consulter en ligneFeasibility of tailings retreatment to unlock value and
2021.12.14 tailings dump near Giyani, South Africa N.K. Singo1 and J.D. Kramers1 Synopsis The reprocessing of tailings resources to extract gold on an industrial scale has become common practice. While these projects are common in the Witwatersrand basin, similar low-technology processes are not operational in smaller goldfields.
consulter en ligneValorisation of mine waste -Part I: Characteristics of, and
2021.10.1 the Witwatersrand gold mine tailings in South Africa, which have been reused in small-scale projects. Tailing Tailing reutilisation is only possible if a sound classi cation, sampling and resource ...
consulter en ligneFabrication of Baking-Free Bricks Using Gold Tailings
2022.6.29 2.1.1 Gold Mine Tailing The gold mine tailing used in this work was provided by Zhaoyuan Mining Co., Ltd., located in Shandong Province of China. The chemical compositions of the main raw materials used in the current work were identified by an X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF, ARL ADVANT’X Intellipower™ 3600, Thermo Fisher Scientific ...
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